Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tone and Mood

One thing we did not cover during the previous quarter is the difference between tone and mood.

Tone is the writer's attitude toward his work.

Mood, on the other hand, is the atmosphere in the work.

To help illustrate the difference between tone and mood, I would like for you to view two music videos of the song "Crazy in Love."

Although the lyrics of the song are the same, the mood differs substantially between the two videos.

I will give you a "mood words" chart. Circle the words that describe the first video, then underline the words that describe the second video.

When you are done we will discuss your thoughts.

After our class discussion I would like each of you to write about how mood is created in each music video.

"Crazy in Love" by Beyonce 

"Crazy in Love" by Antony and the Johnsons

Next week we will review all of our vocabulary from last quarter and we will take a unit test. 

I have created new sets on quizlet for you, here:

Next quarter we will begin doing exercises to improve our spelling. 

I have created a Vocabulary Spelling City account to help you, here:

During any remaining time, you may play games on these websites. 

Now you never have to ask me "Miss, what are we supposed to be doing?" again! 

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