Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Conflicts Exercise

As our first quarter comes to an end, I would like for all of you to remember all of the terms and concepts we learned these past nine weeks.

It's important you remember what we have learned about characters, conflict, point of view, figurative language and parts of speech.

Over the rest of the year, I will expect for you to apply the concepts we have learned in class to the next stories and novels we read. We will also be writing more-- both in length and frequency.

For today's exercise I would like for you to take a look at these images I've uploaded from

Each illustrates a type of conflict we have discussed in class.

In a google doc entitled "Quick Writes" choose the most appropriate conflict for each post card, and be sure to explain your answer. Once you are done with your entry, please share your google doc with me. We will continue to add entries to this throughout the year, and I will be providing feedback to you on an individual basis.

We will spend the rest of class working on our benchmarks. There will be absolutely no talking while students are testing.

If we have any remaining time in class, you have three options:
1) Read
2) Review the Unit Review Quizlet I have created for you.
3) Work on homework for another class.

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