Sunday, October 27, 2013

Poetry Analysis "Royals" by Lorde

As we learned in last week, we all learn differently. This week I was hoping to appeal to the musical learners in our class by viewing and analyzing "Royals" by Lorde.

You have probably already heard this song. Many of you have probably already heard this song so many times that you're sick of it. 

But before you archive it, and forget about it forever, I'd like to take a closer look at the figurative language and thematic intention. 

Please view the video and read along with the lyrics. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

What is your dominant learning style?

As we review for tests, I think it will be helpful for you to think about how you learn.

The online supplements I have created for you have many components: you can hear words and definitions, you can see them, or you can learn in the context of a game where you can compete with friends or against yourself. These online supplements are designed to cater to many (but not all) learning styles.

Take the following quiz on your chromebook.

What is your dominant learning style?

Once you have determined your learning style see the following chart.

Intelligence AreaStrengthsPreferencesLearns best throughNeeds
Verbal / LinguisticWriting, reading, memorizing dates, thinking in words, telling storiesWrite, read, tell stories, talk, memorize, work at solving puzzlesHearing and seeing words, speaking, reading, writing, discussing and debatingBooks, tapes, paper diaries, writing tools, dialogue, discussion, debated, stories, etc.
Mathematical/ LogicalMath, logic, problem-solving, reasoning, patternsQuestion, work with numbers, experiment, solve problemsWorking with relationships and patterns, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstractThings to think about and explore, science materials, manipulative, trips to the planetarium and science museum, etc.
Visual / SpatialMaps, reading charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imagining things, visualizationDraw, build, design, create, daydream, look at picturesWorking with pictures and colors, visualizing, using the mind's eye, drawingLEGOs, video, movies, slides, art, imagination games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated book, trips to art museums, etc.
Bodily / KinestheticAthletics, dancing, crafts, using tools, actingMove around, touch and talk, body languageTouching, moving, knowledge through bodily sensations, processingRole-play, drama, things to build, movement, sports and physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning, etc.
MusicalPicking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms, singingSing, play an instrument, listen to music, humRhythm, singing, melody, listening to music and melodiesSing-along time, trips to concerts, music playing at home and school, musical instruments, etc.
InterpersonalLeading, organizing, understanding people, communicating, resolving conflicts, sellingTalk to people, have friends, join groupsComparing, relating, sharing, interviewing, cooperatingFriends, group games, social gatherings, community events, clubs, mentors/ apprenticeships, etc.
IntrapersonalRecognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, understanding selfWork alone, reflect pursue interestsWorking alone, having space, reflecting, doing self-paced projectsSecret places, time alone, self-paced projects, choices, etc.
NaturalisticUnderstanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and faunaBe involved with nature, make distinctionsWorking in nature, exploring living things, learning about plants and natural eventsOrder, same/different, connections to real life and science issues, patterns

How does knowing your learning style help you to effectively prepare for exams in the future? Write down in your journal a few ways you can prepare for exams. Use complete sentences. I will call on you to share your ideas. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes

Many of you may be unfamiliar with Calvin and Hobbes. It's a comic strip about a young, rebellious boy who enjoys challenging authority. If you've never read these comics, I think many of you would like them. 

Please look at the following comic and answer the questions in a "Quick Write" google doc. 

The goose step is a marching style commonly associated with the Nazi Party. What figure of speech is this an example of? 

What is the tone of the strip?

What types of conflicts are present in the strip?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tone and Mood

One thing we did not cover during the previous quarter is the difference between tone and mood.

Tone is the writer's attitude toward his work.

Mood, on the other hand, is the atmosphere in the work.

To help illustrate the difference between tone and mood, I would like for you to view two music videos of the song "Crazy in Love."

Although the lyrics of the song are the same, the mood differs substantially between the two videos.

I will give you a "mood words" chart. Circle the words that describe the first video, then underline the words that describe the second video.

When you are done we will discuss your thoughts.

After our class discussion I would like each of you to write about how mood is created in each music video.

"Crazy in Love" by Beyonce 

"Crazy in Love" by Antony and the Johnsons

Next week we will review all of our vocabulary from last quarter and we will take a unit test. 

I have created new sets on quizlet for you, here:

Next quarter we will begin doing exercises to improve our spelling. 

I have created a Vocabulary Spelling City account to help you, here:

During any remaining time, you may play games on these websites. 

Now you never have to ask me "Miss, what are we supposed to be doing?" again! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Conflicts Exercise

As our first quarter comes to an end, I would like for all of you to remember all of the terms and concepts we learned these past nine weeks.

It's important you remember what we have learned about characters, conflict, point of view, figurative language and parts of speech.

Over the rest of the year, I will expect for you to apply the concepts we have learned in class to the next stories and novels we read. We will also be writing more-- both in length and frequency.

For today's exercise I would like for you to take a look at these images I've uploaded from

Each illustrates a type of conflict we have discussed in class.

In a google doc entitled "Quick Writes" choose the most appropriate conflict for each post card, and be sure to explain your answer. Once you are done with your entry, please share your google doc with me. We will continue to add entries to this throughout the year, and I will be providing feedback to you on an individual basis.

We will spend the rest of class working on our benchmarks. There will be absolutely no talking while students are testing.

If we have any remaining time in class, you have three options:
1) Read
2) Review the Unit Review Quizlet I have created for you.
3) Work on homework for another class.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Resilience, Education and Self-Efficacy

Wednesday, October 16

This week in class, for our PBL's, we discussed resilience. 

Resilience, you will remember, is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. 

I would like for you to consider how resilience is important to you in school. 

For your quick write today, I would like for you to answer the following questions: How do I exhibit resilience in school? How can I be more resilient in school? 

Please write at least ten sentences. 

After you complete your quick writes we will take our benchmark exam. 

During the remaining time, please see the quizlets I have prepared for our unit reviews.