Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flowers for Algernon Audiobook

One of your vocabulary this week is "metacognition," which means "thinking about thinking." 

In other words, having metacognitive skills means that you know your intellectual strengths and weaknesses and work to utilize or address them. 

Many of you have complained that first few chapters are difficult to read because of the spelling. Some of you are auditory learners and may benefit from listening to audio while you read. 

I also suggest annotating your text by making notes about the plot, characters, and figurative language you see. Make predictions and ask questions in your annotations. This will help you to understand what you read on a deeper level. 

I've linked the full audiobook for 'Flowers for Algernon" to help those of you who are struggling. 

Remember, in order to maximize the benefit of listening, you must also read along. 

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