Monday, December 9, 2013

What to expect for the rest of the year.


I would like to let you know what we will be doing for the next few weeks, and into the Spring semester with this class.

This week we will make-up the work we did not complete on the snow days, then we will work on our PBL's in class. The PBL's will be due Friday afternoon. If you anticipate (predict) that you will need more time than given in class, you must work outside of class. If you do not have the internet, then you must schedule a time with me and with your parents to stay at school and work.

Next week we will review for and take the benchmark exam. Unlike last time, the benchmark will count as a grade. Do your best, then I will determine how to curve the grades.

Next semester we will be working on two long-term projects, that I believe you will enjoy.

You will be working independently on a self-selected reading journal, which will culminate in a creative project. You will also be working on a music journal, where you will analyze and respond to musical pieces of your choosing.

I will give you assignment descriptions and rubrics next semester.

For now, I'd like to make a resource available to you.

If you don't know what to read next, try this quiz: What should I read next?

I will periodically update this with announcements, information, resources, and some lessons. Please check this at your convenience.

Ms. Moryan

P.S. If you need help with your math homework, use this website.